सुविचार इस शब्द में ही विचार आता है विचारों की इस बदलती श्रृंखला में ओर बदलते दौर में हमे सुविचार के माध्यम से कुछ कर दिखाने की प्रेरणा मिलती है हमारे लिए प्रेरणादायक होंगे.. सुविचार – Suvichar पढ़ने के बाद हमारे मन को एक नयी उर्जा मिलती है, जो हमें हमारे सभी काम सकारात्मक उर्जा के साथ करने के लिए प्रेरित करती है यदि आपको मेरी पोस्ट अछि लगती है तो फॉलो करें ।
सोमवार, 27 जून 2022
शनिवार, 25 जून 2022
शुक्रवार, 24 जून 2022
गुरुवार, 23 जून 2022
बुधवार, 22 जून 2022
मंगलवार, 21 जून 2022
Plot step response of given TF and 2nd order system with different values of damping ratio in MATLAB software.
AIM:-(a) Plot step response of
given TF and 2nd order system with different values of damping ratio
in MATLAB software.
(b) Plot ramp response.
USED: -MATLAB (R2021a)
Step response is the time behaviour of the outputs of a
general system when its inputs change from zero to one in a very short time.
the step signal is represented as given below:
u(t)= 1 ; t
> 0
= 0 ; t < 0
num =
input(‘enter the numerator of the transfer function’)
den =
input(‘enter the denominator of the transfer function’)
T(s)= (s + 1)/
(s3 + s2 + 2s + 1)
num=[1 1]
num = 1
den=[1 1 2 1]
den =
1 2 1
sys1 =
s + 1
s^3 + s^2 + 2 s + 1
transfer function.
>> step(sys)
T(s) = 25 / ( s2
+ 2s+ 25)
num =
den=[1 2 25]
den =
2 25
sys =
s^2 + 2 s + 25
transfer function.
>>wn= 5;
[num,den]= ord2(wn,d)
num =
den =
4 25
num/den =
s^2 + 4 s + 25
Ramp Response
n=[0 0 36];
d=[1 3 36];
title('Ramp response')
Result: Step response with different values of damping ratio
and ramp response have been plotted and verified using MATLAB for given
transfer function.
सोमवार, 20 जून 2022
Introduction to MATLAB Computing Control Software.
1. MATLAB is a software package for high-performance
mathematical computation, visualization, and programming environment. It
provides an interactive environment with hundreds of built-in functions for
technical computing, graphics, and animations.
2. MATLAB is used in a wide
range of applications including signal and image processing, communication,
control design, test and measurement, financial modeling and analysis and
computational biology add-on toolbox (collection of special purpose MATLAB
functions available separately).
3. The technical computing
problems can be solved faster than with traditional programming languages such
as C, C++and FORTRAN.
4. It was developed by Cleve Molar,
Jack little and Steve Bangert around the year 1984 and since then various
versions have been released with additional functionalities.
MATLAB stands
for Matrix Laboratory. MATLAB was written initially to
implement a simple approach to matrix software developed by the LINPACK (Linear
system package) and EISPACK (Eigen system package)
MATLAB is a modern
programming language environment, and it has refined data structures, includes built-in
editing and debugging tools, and supports object-oriented programming.
MATLAB is Multi-paradigm.
So, it can work with multiple types of programming approaches, such as
Functional, Object-Oriented, and Visual.
MATLAB can be used for
various applications that includes: -
1. Development environment
for managing code, file and data.
2. Interactive tools for
iterative exploration, design and problem solving and simulation.
3. Mathematical function for
linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis, filtering, optimization and
numerical integration
4. 2-D and 3-D graphics
functions for visualizing data
5. Functions for integrating
MATLAB based algorithm with external applications and languages such as C, C++,
Fortran, JAVA and Microsoft excel.
This Software platform
provides sets of various functions clubbed in the form of toolbox, in order to
make it user friendly, some of the toolboxes that cater to electrical engineering
field are:-
1. Communication toolbox.
2. Control system toolbox.
3. Data acquisition toolbox.
4. Filter design toolbox.
5. Fuzzy logic toolbox.
6. Image Processing toolbox.
7. Instrument toolbox.
8. Neural Network toolbox.
9. Robust control toolbox.
10. Signal Processing toolbox.
रविवार, 19 जून 2022
Power System Design Lab is introduced in 2 nd Year IV Semester of
BTech program to make the students learn and understand about the
design of various power system instruments. This lab makes use of
MATLAB software.
The first two experiments include Generating Station Design.
Through this, a students learn to design proper schemes of hydro,
thermal, nuclear, gas power plants, electrical equipment and design
auxiliary power supply scheme for thermal power plant.
The third experiment make students learn to design distribution
system components and calculation of voltage drops in distributors.
The fourth and fifth experiments make use of analyzing short term,
medium term and long-term load forecasting methods and drawing
sending end and receiving end power circle diagrams.
The sixth experiments make students understand about the CTs & PTs
design consideration for measurement and protection purpose.
Through the last experiment students learn to develop design of
substations types, various bus–bar arrangements and electrical
equipment for substations.
Since the designing of electric power system serves as a key part in
the designing of power electric engineering, and its quality has a
direct influence on the normal operation of the electric engineering
system. Therefore, the planning of electric power system provides an
important guarantee for a rapid, stable and sustainable development of
the electric power industry.
शनिवार, 18 जून 2022
Control System Lab Write-up
Control System Lab is introduced in 3rd Year VI Semester of BTech program to make the students learn and understand about the design and experimentation of digital and analog electromechanical feedback control systems. This lab makes use of MATLAB software.
The First experiments include about the MATLAB and its
various applications. Through this, a students learn and understand how to use
The Second experiments defining system transfer
function and zero pole (ZPK) form.
The Third experiments to understand plot the step response and ramp response of transfer function and 2nd order system with different values of damping ratio in MATLAB Software.
The Fourth experiments understand to 1st order RC circuits and plot its response of step, ramp and impulse using MATLAB Software.
The Fifth experiments to design 2nd order electrical network and its transient response for step input and under damped, over damped, critical damped cases.
The sixth experiments to check stability of closed loop system by MATLAB Software.
The seventh experiments understand to plot bode plot 2nd order system and its GM(gain margin) & PM(phase margin) using MATLAB Software.
The eighth experiments to draw AC Servomotor characteristics.
The ninth experiments to understand how to work potentiometer error detector.
A Control System manages,
commands, directs or regulates the behavior of other devices or systems using
control loops. Process control is the ability to monitor and adjust a process
to give a desired output. It is used in industry to maintain quality and
improve performance.
शुक्रवार, 17 जून 2022
System Simulation Lab Write-up
System Simulation Lab is introduced in 3rd Year V Semester of BTech program to make the students learn and understand about the design and experimentation of digital and analog electromechanical feedback control systems. This lab makes use of MATLAB software.
This lab make use of understand of MATLAB in operation characteristics. There is a topic wise brief introduction and with example of experiment in MATLAB.
The First to fifteen Experiment Makes to understand
about basic of MATLAB Matrices and vector, Arrays Operation and saving and
loading data plotting graphs, Scripts and functions, Script files, Global
Variables, Loops, Branches, control flow, advanced data objects,
multi-dimensional matrices, Structures, Applications in linear algebra curve
fitting and interpolation. Numerical integration, Ordinary differential
equation. (All contents are to be covered with tutorial sheets).
The Second Simulation and Model-Based Design
Simulink is a block diagram environment for multidomain simulation and Model-Based Design. It supports system-level design, simulation, automatic code generation, and continuous test and verification of embedded systems.
A System Simulation Lab, commands, directs or regulates the
behaviour of other devices or systems using loops. Process control is the
ability to monitor and adjust a process to give a desired output. It is used in
industry to maintain quality and improve performance.
This Lab useful for overall technical development of Students
of Btech program.
गुरुवार, 16 जून 2022
सोमवार, 13 जून 2022
शनिवार, 11 जून 2022
गुरुवार, 9 जून 2022
बुधवार, 8 जून 2022
मंगलवार, 7 जून 2022
रविवार, 5 जून 2022
शनिवार, 4 जून 2022
शुक्रवार, 3 जून 2022
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