System Simulation Lab is introduced in 3rd Year V Semester of BTech program to make the students learn and understand about the design and experimentation of digital and analog electromechanical feedback control systems. This lab makes use of MATLAB software.
This lab make use of understand of MATLAB in operation characteristics. There is a topic wise brief introduction and with example of experiment in MATLAB.
The First to fifteen Experiment Makes to understand
about basic of MATLAB Matrices and vector, Arrays Operation and saving and
loading data plotting graphs, Scripts and functions, Script files, Global
Variables, Loops, Branches, control flow, advanced data objects,
multi-dimensional matrices, Structures, Applications in linear algebra curve
fitting and interpolation. Numerical integration, Ordinary differential
equation. (All contents are to be covered with tutorial sheets).
The Second Simulation and Model-Based Design
Simulink is a block diagram environment for multidomain simulation and Model-Based Design. It supports system-level design, simulation, automatic code generation, and continuous test and verification of embedded systems.
A System Simulation Lab, commands, directs or regulates the
behaviour of other devices or systems using loops. Process control is the
ability to monitor and adjust a process to give a desired output. It is used in
industry to maintain quality and improve performance.
This Lab useful for overall technical development of Students
of Btech program.