शुक्रवार, 26 अक्तूबर 2018

How much Natural Resources is required to generate 1 kW of power?

At 100% efficiency if you burn 1 kg of coal it will produce 25/3.6 = 7 kWhr. But even the best power station is not much better than about 30% efficient, so 1 kg of coal burnt will give you 0.3 x 7 = 2 kWh of electrical energy.
We Know That:
With a complete combustion or fission, approx. 8 kWh of heat can be generated from 1 kg of coal, approx. 12 kWh from 1 kg of mineral oil and around 24,000,000kWh from 1 kg of uranium-235. Related to one kilogram, 

Required Material And Produced Energy.

Coal Required  142.86 gram      =   1 Kw-hr
Mineral Oil Required  83.33 gram =   1 Kw-hr
U-235 Required  0.00004166 gram =   1 Kw-hr

uranium-235 contains two to three million times the energy equivalent of oil or coal.

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